Sunday, February 28, 2021

What is Off-Page SEO? Know about the Construction of Links or Link Building:

Know about the construction of Links or Link Building:

When your site generates real value, other pages will be able to share your content and link it (create a backlink), sending part of the audience to you. So, if you get in touch with an influencer on a topic related to your topic, and he links to your website, this is called Link Building. … Continue reading

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

What Is SEO On-page? The Beginner’s The Most Informative Guide To SEO

 Many sites fail to rank well on Google because they ignore their internal structure or the way they organize their content.

This is called on-page SEO, or optimization within the site itself.

Here are the SEO On-Page topics that are most relevant to Google:

  1. Deep, Unique, and Friendly Content:

The depth of content means that the text must be long enough to be unique and of quality. In contrast, the text has to be organized, easy to navigate, and legible.

  1. Alignment with the user:

One of the essential elements of creating and optimizing content is to meet the expectations of users looking for what you deliver on your site. There is no point in the text being beautiful, well written, and revised if nobody reads it or knows it exists.

  1. Link structure:

A website's link structure, or URL, must be user friendly. If you use WordPress just activate the structure option called POST NAME. This is in "Settings> Permanent Links".

  1. Page loading time:

Here is a more technical part. But you can use the Google tool called Page Speed ​​Insights to find out how fast your specific website or page is loading. And if the suggestions for improvement are out of your reach, hire someone technical to help you.

  1. Internal and External links:

Internal links are those that point to your site and external links are those links that help the user to better understand the subject of your text or add value in some way.

  1. Authority and Trust

Your website/domain must be legitimate, reliable, and clearly show that you have the intellectual or technical capacity to talk about the subjects you publish. Ethics and transparency are also essential qualities in the online world.

This way, while the use of keywords is still important, as in the <H1> and <H2> headings, SEO ON-page is less about keyword repetition or placement. It is more about how to understand who your readers are and what they need.

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Are You Wondering How Are SEO Techniques Employed?

 The word SEO means Search Engine Optimization. SEO makes a series of improvements to your website and its content so that your website becomes a good result for search engines.

Content marketing professionals like s4g2 marketing agency use these techniques through the following strategies:

Definition of persona:

The persona concept consists of the ideal customer profile that the company wants to reach. It is being necessary to define in detail its main habits, behaviors, preferences, style, and context of life, etc.

Based on this definition, companies will develop their marketing strategies more assertively.

Defining keywords:

Through the characterization of the persona, keywords are defined that relate to the way that potential customers search for the products and services.

Landing pages:

The so-called landing pages are designed to convert visitors into contacts, causing the company to increase its database with information from its customers, especially e-mail. For these landing pages to fulfill their role, the use of optimization techniques is essential.

All of this information reveals the great importance of SEO techniques for sales and profit.

Does your company already use them? If no, get contact us at s4g2 marketing agency and achieve good organic rankings and bring your website to the top position on the search results.

Part of the difficulty of SEO is that we always need to follow the trends and changes of this tool, as the online world is always evolving. Something that works today, may not work tomorrow, and vice versa.

Tips offered by s4g2 marketing agency, based on the fundamental principles of SEO, are great for starting to understand and use this incredible technology!

With a specialist it always gets easier, doesn't it? Therefore, we here at the s4g2 marketing agency can help you! Our agency specializes in Digital Marketing, and we can help you step by step in using SEO.

Original Source of Blog: Are You Wondering How Are SEO Techniques Employed? Know Here: - S4G2 Blogs

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ensure The Right Results For Every Website


The search engine optimization services work all the time. It’s open for all days a week throughout the year.

It ensures that it continues to work even if you are not working. This continuous work will ensure that you will get effective results for your website.

Read Full Blog on Original Sour Of Post here: The Ultimate Reasons Why You Need SEO | Search Engine Optimization (
